Do you want to get 1,000+ unique visitors every single day from Google to your websites? Well, increasing search traffic is not hard as you think. If done right, with a proper content strategy, you can easily get 30,000 visitors per month using long-tail keywords. That’s the magic of using long-tail terms while creating content. In this detailed guide, we’re going to show you 5 simple steps to use longtail keywords to get 30,000 visitors per month. Are you interested? Let’s begin.

What are Long-Tail Keywords?

These keywords contain 4 or more keyword phrases. For instance, “how to find better ranking keywords” is a great long-tail keyword with 6 keywords in it. Let me explain the difference between short-tail and long-tail keywords with a simple example.

“Shoe” – short-tail keyword “Running shoe” – medium-tail keyword “Running shoe for yoga trainers” – long-tail keyword (with 5 keywords in it)

We hope you now understand the difference between them and you might be wondering how these keywords actually help you in SEO. Let’s talk about that too.

How Long-Tail Keywords can Increase Your Search Traffic

They send you more traffic from search engines (because of the usage 4 or 5 variety of keywords so you tend to get traffic for various keywords). If you are targeting commercial intent keywords, not only your search traffic will explode but you will see a huge spike in your website sales too. Normally people who use long-tail keywords while searching on Google tend to buy more. They are easier to rank for. Not so many people will be targeting long-tail keywords that you are trying to rank for, so it becomes easy for you to rank high on Google for such keywords. Three strong reasons you should target long phrase keywords. So how can you find long phrase keywords that helps you get 30,000 visitors a month? Let’s get into the details without much ado.

How to Get 30,000+ Visitors a Month Using Long-Tail Keywords

Step 1: Find Detailed Keywords

The first step begins by finding the long-tail keywords. How can you find better keywords that are less competitive and easier to rank for? Firstly, let me tell you a story. Although I’ve been in the SEO industry for almost a decade now, increasing search traffic to my blog in the Post-Panda world seemed hard for me. Then, we realized the importance of using better keywords in my content. So what we did do? We changed our content strategy. We started writing really detailed articles by using descriptive keywords. What has helped me to do this? We used an awesome tool called Semrush. Semrush helped me increase my search traffic by more than 5,000 visitors within a month after using it. You can read the whole case study of Semrush here.

Find out all the keywords that your competitors are using

One of the fastest ways to get 30,000 visitors per month using detailed keywords is to find all the keywords that your competitors are using. That way it will become really easy for you to find all the best performing keywords in your niche. If you spy on your competitor’s keywords, you don’t have to guess for the better performing keywords. Because you are already finding those keywords which are sending your competitors a lot of search traffic. So if you are wondering how to increase your search traffic with descriptive keywords, We highly recommend you give try Semrush. Firstly, let’s talk about how you can use Semrush to find all the keywords your competitors are using. In this example, we’ll consider for competitor research. Step 1: Sign up for Semrush (click here to grab 30 days free trial), go to their dashboard and enter the domain of your competitor’s. It will give you a list of all the keywords your competitors are ranking for when you click on the “Full Report” under “Top Organic Keywords”.

Step 2: You will now know what are all the keywords your competitors are ranking on Google to get their search traffic. Make a list of all the potential keywords you could use on your blog.

Step 3: As you see in the above screenshot, you will find all the great keywords you can target, start creating great content around them and you will soon start getting huge traffic to your sites from search engines. Here’s how to use Semrush to find highly profitable keywords and boost your search rankings. Now, let’s talk about using Semrush for finding better keywords that are easier to rank for. Step 1: Enter any keyword that you want to rank from the Semrush dashboard In this example, I’m using the keyword “make money blogging” It will give me all the details of the search volume and relevant keywords you can use as shown in the screenshot below.

Step 2: Once you click on the “View Full Report”, it will give you all the keyword ideas. Pick the keywords with less competition and monthly searches between 1000 to 2000 or even less. Step 3: Start creating content around all the keyword phrases that you have just found using Semrush. So that’s it! That’s how you can use Semrush for finding your competitor’s keywords and finding less competitive yet highly profitable keywords. Now, let’s move on to the next step.

Step 2: Create 2,000+ Word Blog Posts

Let me get straight to the point. If you want to get 30,000 visitors every month, you need long and in-depth contents. After finding the keywords you want to rank for, it’s time for you to start creating 2,000+ blog posts. Did you know that the longer content tends to rank higher in Google’s search results? The average Google first page result contains 1,890 words. The above metric says it all about the importance of long form of content. If you are wondering how to create long form of content that contains over 2,000+ words, let me help you with the exact strategy we use for my content creation here at BloggersPassion.

Firstly, decide on the topic. As we discussed earlier in the step 1, it’s really important to come up with keyword ideas. Once you know what are all the keywords you can rank for, you can start working on it. Secondly, research about the topic. This step is really crucial. The more time you spend on researching about the topics you want to cover about the more detailed and better content you can create. Once you are done with the research, take a look at all the top 10 search results for the keywords you want to rank for. Make a note of what are all the things that are missing in the top search results. Make sure to cover the topics which are not covered by your competitors and start creating problem solving posts for your audience. That’s how you can create in-depth, 2000+ words epic contents.

Image optimization for SEO

Did you know that content with at least one image significantly outperformed content without any images? If you are not yet using images on your blog posts, start doing it from now on. We recommended you to check out Pablo by Buffer, Canva for image editing. They are great tools for creating stunning images at free of cost. Otherwise, if you are good at Photoshop, just go ahead with it. Make sure to use the keywords you are targeting while optimizing your images with the ALT tag. This helps you quickly get more visibility from the search engines for the keywords you want to rank for.

Where does your site rank in search results for any keyword is DIRECTLY proportional to the number of backlinks you have. Whether you know it or not, it’s nearly impossible to rank for a competitive keyword without building backlinks. The backlinks are an indication of how popular your blog or website is in the eyes of search engines. If you have more number of quality backlinks, it gets easier for you to rank higher for any keyword on Google. For instance, if an authority blog targets the same keyword that your new blog is trying to rank for, ultimately the authority blog with more backlinks will win the race. It’s just because you don’t have enough backlinks when compared to the top site in your niche. If you are looking for ways to get 30,000 visitors per month, you should definitely build quality backlinks. Not just to your home pages but to overall your inner pages to increase their link authority. If your site link authority is good, it will make it easy for you to target any better keyword and boost your search traffic really quickly. If you don’t know how many backlinks your website currently have, here’s an effective tool to find out. If you are wondering how to build quality backlinks using long-tail keywords here are a few tips for you.

Target top blogs in your niche. Figure out how you can land on those blogs with your guest posts. Getting some good links from authority sites in your industry is the surefire way to increase your overall authority of the blog. It will really help you boost your search rankings faster. If you start creating massive content with over 2,000 words while using descriptive keywords, make sure to link out to other blogs in your niche. Make those external links relevant and send an email to the people whom you have linked from your blog posts. Do the above same step even with your guest posts. If you are writing guest posts for others, link to other people as well and let them know you are talking about them. This will definitely grab their attention and they will surely start linking to your stuff too.

Step 4:  Informative Keywords Vs. Commercial Intent Keywords

Now, you know how to find better keywords that are easier to rank for and how to create great content around those keywords by building quality links. Let’s now focus on a few keywords that can help you quickly boost your overall website sales. Find the difference between informational keywords and the commercial intent keywords. For instance:

“how do I lose weight” is an informational keyword “weight loss training” is a commercial keyword (where you can promote weight lose videos, products or programs)

Here’s a simple screenshot that explains the difference between both these keywords.

Here’s the takeaway If you want to increase your search traffic, use more “informational keywords” such as “how to lose weight”, “how to make money” etc. If you want to increase your website sales, start using more “commercial intent keywords” such as “weight loss training”, “make money online training”, “SEO training for beginners” etc. Are you getting me? That’s how you will differentiate both commercial intent and informative keywords. If you want to build a profitable blog that gets more search traffic and sales, try using both the combination of commercial and informative keywords while creating content.

Step 5: On page optimization is a key factor

Have you ever wondered where to put long-tail keywords within your content? On-page optimization is the answer. On-page SEO involves in properly optimizing your blog posts for your target keywords (including long-tail keywords). Here are some of the places where you should include your long-tail keywords to get higher rankings on Google.

Title Meta description URL Subheading tags (H2, H3) Image alt tag Internal links

Here’s a detailed guide on the best on page SEO techniques you can use to increase your overall search engine rankings. Quick tip: If you’re a WordPress user you must install WordPress SEO by Yoast which helps you easily optimize your blog posts and pages for your target keywords. Here are a few biggest benefits of using this plugin.

Yoast SEO can import settings from other websites and even other SEO plugins if you are making the switch and yes it can export them too without any hassle. Using the snippet preview from the Yoast plugin, you can see how your post or page will look in the search results, whether your title is too long or too short and whether your meta description makes sense in the context of a search result. Yoast SEO eliminates a lot of duplicate content by excluding subpages of archives from being indexed which is great if you want to avoid duplicate content issues on your site. You can add up to eight different social networks so Google knows they belong to your site. Social platforms will understand exactly what your content is about and which is the title, image, URL, description and more so they can display everything correctly when it is shared, so you can get more traffic from social media sites too. Last but not least, with the Yoast SEO plugin for WordPress you don’t need to install another plugin for XML Sitemaps. Yoast SEO automatically generates XML sitemaps for your site and submits them to Google and Bing.

So what are you waiting for? Install the plugin (which is free) and optimize your content in a better way.

How to use LongTailPro to find better keywords

Let’s now talk about how you can use another incredible tool called LongTailPro. Step 1: Once you log into the LongTailPro (you can grab a free trial from here), you will find the dashboard where you need to create a new project. Here’s how it looks like;

Step 2: Here’s where your keyword research begins.

Here are a few things you need to do in the step #2. Now once you’re done with that, click on “Generate Keywords & Fetch Data”. Step 3: Once you enter your seed keyword to generate keyword ideas, it will give you a list of all the long-tail keyword ideas you can use in your content. It also shows you a ton of other keyword metrics like this;

You will also find the Local Searches and Global Searches in the above screenshot. Pick them carefully, we would advise you to pick keywords that have Searches below 1000, so you can rank higher even if you have a new blog with less domain authority or link juice.

Insider Strategies to Grow Your Website Traffic With Long-Tail Keywords

Here are a few insider strategies to increase your website traffic using long-tail keywords. Because it works like a charm in bringing “high-quality visitors from search engines”. You may ask “but how?”. What would you search on Google if you wanted to buy a laptop? You would be mostly searching for the following phrases.

What’s the best laptop for students What’s the cheapest laptop Which laptop gives the best battery backup What are the best discounts around laptops and so on

If you observe the above, you’ll notice that they are mostly question-based searches. And guess what, Google shows featured snippet previews when you provide direct answers to the searchers queries. Here’s an example of the question-based keyword.

If you observe the above screenshot, you’ll notice that when we enter the question-based keyword like “What’s the best laptop for students” Google is showing us the preview snippet along with the link to the web page and also showing the laptop recommendations directly.

The importance of using LSI keywords

Long-tail keywords alone won’t help you in bringing more organic traffic to your websites. If you want to get more search traffic and look for proper ways to optimize your content, you need to find and use LSI keywords. What are LSI keywords anyway? LSI keywords (Latent Semantic Indexing) are keywords which are semantically related to your main keyword. For example, “best apple laptop” and “Macbook” are both LSI keywords. Yes because Macbooks are Apple laptops. Likewise, “cute” is an LSI keyword for “gorgeous”, “beautiful” and so on. Let’s demonstrate LSI keywords with a real-time example, so you can understand them better. If you type for the “best apple computer” in Google search, it will show this result.

As you can see above, the keyword “computer” is not mentioned anywhere in that web page result as Google is smart enough to know that “best apple computer” means the results with “best Macbooks”. So even if you look for “best apple computer” on Google, it will use LSI semantic indexing to show you the most appropriate search result which is around Macbooks. Read: Meta Tags SEO: Everything You Need to Know About Meta Data Are you getting it? The beauty about LSI keywords is that it improves the searcher’s experience and gives quick (and relevant) results to their search queries which are made on Google. The #1 reason Google started using LSI indexing is it helps Google to better understand the meaning of a search query and the meaning of a web page. This correlation alone allows Google to improve the match between what people look for and what they find in the search results. If you’re still wondering about why you should target LSI keywords, here are a few biggest benefits to start using them within your content from today onwards.

Google is giving more importance to “searcher’s intent” rather than keyword density. What does it mean? It simply means you can get higher search rankings for your target keyword if you optimize it according to the search intent which is the context of your primary keywords. LSI keywords allow you to safely optimize your content for your primary keyword so you can avoid keyword stuffing which can actually lead to Google penalties sooner or later. Since most of the LSI keywords are closely related to your primary keyword so you can rank not only for your main keyword but also for the additional LSI keyword variations you use within your content.

Where can you find LSI keywords? Now comes the most important question. Where can you find LSI keywords that are highly relevant to your primary keyword? Here are a few simple ways to find LSI keywords to increase your website’s search traffic. Use the “Searches related to” field: The simplest way to find LSI keywords is to use the “Searches related to” field at the bottom of Google search results page. Here’s how it looks like when we search for the keyword “apple laptops”

As you can see you can use a ton of those LSI keywords while creating blog posts around that topic (or keyword) to bring additional traffic from search engines like Google. Use LSI Graph: Apart from Google search related tool, you can also use LSI Graph which is another incredible tool for finding LSI keywords. Here’s how it looks like;

That being said, here are few quick tips to get more out of LSI keywords to increase your website’s search traffic really quickly.

Always go for either informative LSI keywords or buyer based LSI keywords so you can either get more traffic from search or increase your sales. Make sure to find low competitive LSI keywords which are highly relevant to your primary long-tail keywords to rank easily no matter whatever niche you are in. Use LSI keywords in your title and meta description if possible so you can bring additional traffic apart from your primary keyword.

Think Like A User

It is not a tool but this method is very effective. You can drive massive traffic using this method. Think like a user, think if you need to find out long-tail keywords, ofcourse you are not going to type long-tail keywords and hit enter. You will type queries like – ‘how to find high-ranking keywords’, ‘best ways to find high-ranking keywords’. In this way, you can find some high-volume searches keywords. You can find awesome long-tail keywords using the above methods, all are free tools so you don’t need to pay any single penny.

3 Ultimate Keyword Research Tools

Finding long-tail keywords is not an easy task as you’ll need to find out several things including;

Search volume Keyword competition Keyword difficulty Related keywords CPC And so on

Here’s where you need the help of PROPER keyword research tools. Over the years, I’ve used so many SEO tools ranging from LongTailPro to HitTail to Ahrefs and so on but here are few of the essential tools you can use for finding profitable long-tail keywords with ease.

Semrush LongTailPro KW Finder

Let’s quickly talk about each one of the above keyword research tools so you will know which one works best for you. Semrush: One of the best SEO tools we’ve been using for over 3 years now is Semrush. If you want to increase your website’s search traffic, this tool is a must for you. It gives you a ton of keyword metrics which are listed below.

Keyword: It is the organic keyword for which the website has been ranked Position: The position in the search engine result page, at which the website has been ranked at (and it’s always important to track your own keyword rankings if you’re targeting any) Volume: The total volume of searches, this particular keyword is getting into the search engines like Google KD%: The Keyword Difficulty percentage is a metric that shows how difficult it is to rank high for a particular keyword. The higher the percentage, the more difficult it is to rank high, so pick low KD% CPC (USD): This indicates the average Cost Per Click for the given keyword URL: The page in the analyzed website, that is ranking for this keyword Traffic: The traffic that the analyzed website receives for this particular keyword Costs (USD): The total cost of traffic driven to the website due to this particular keyword for a specific period of time.

Besides the above things, you should make sure to keep extra focus on the following terms from Semrush tool.

Competitive density: It is a metric that indicates how many competitors are competing for this particular keyword in the paid search. Basically, 1 means the highest competition, so pick less competitive keywords to rank higher in search. Results: This shows the total number of results displayed in the search engine for this particular keyword Trend: This trend shows you a small bar graph showing the interest in searches for this particular keyword in the past 12 months SERP: When you click this SERP, you will be taken to the snapshot of the search engine result for this particular keyword (and it’s useful for quickly finding top 10 search results for a keyword)

So what are you waiting for? Use This Link to Get 30 Days Free Trial of Semrush Pro Account (Worth $119.95) LongTailPro: is a keyword research tool created by the internet entrepreneur named Spencer Haws. This is the best paid keyword research tool to find low competition keywords that can be easily ranked in search engines like Google and gives you “keyword competition” for each keyword. This metric basically calculates how difficult it is to rank for the particular keywords based on a bunch of different metrics such as Trust Flow, Citation Flow, Keyword Density, Age, etc. You can use LongTailPro to discover thousands of profitable keywords and calculate Keyword Competitiveness (KC) for any niche. It also has a cloud version that fetches the keyword metrics really faster when compared to the desktop version. If you’re looking for ONLY one tool to find great keywords, you should go for LongTailPro. Use This Link to Try LongTailPro Free for the Next 7 Days (30% Off Also Available) If you’re looking for a FREE keyword research tool for finding long-tail keywords, this is a must have tool for you which is also considered as the best alternative to Google Keyword Planner. The great thing about using this tool is that it generates up to 750+ long-tail keyword suggestions for every search term. Unlike other tools, this is extremely reliable as it works 99.99% of the time and did we forget to mention that you can use Keyword Tool absolutely for free, even without creating an account? So go give it a try. KWFinder: KWFinder is another fantastic keyword research tool to find you hundreds of long-tail keywords with high search volume and low SEO difficulty. It’s really easy to use, and offers you a user-friendly interface, and most importantly, it provides you a HUGE list of related keywords along with KD (keyword difficulty).

Top 9 Tips to Use Long-Tail Keywords to Get Higher Rankings

Here are top 9 tips to use them to increase your website rankings and sales.

  1. Go for less KD keywords: KD simply means keyword difficulty. KD helps you understand how hard it will be to rank for any search query during your keyword research. KD ranges from 0 to 100 where 100 being the hardest to rank for and 0 being the lowest. Here’s a handy illustration of Keyword Difficulty metric.

0 to 10 KD is easy (where you just need backlinks from 10+ domains to get higher rankings on Google) 11 to 30 KD are medium (where you need backlinks from 11 to 30 domains to get higher rankings on Google) 31 to 70 KD is bit hard to rank for (where you need backlinks from 37+ domains to get higher rankings on Google) 71 to 100 (you should probably ignore such keywords with 70+ KD because you need to build links at least from 200+ domains to actually get first page rankings on Google search).

So always target KD below 30 or 40 so you can get higher rankings with minimum efforts. 2. Go for low search volume keywords: The great thing about using low competitive keywords within your content is that they have less search volume. That said, not all long-tail keywords are easier to rank for since most people are now finding better keywords to get more traffic (which makes it even harder to rank for those keywords). So it’s always better to go for really low search volume keywords. Let’s say around 100 or even less searches in a month so you can get higher rankings even if you’ve a new website. 3. Avoid keyword stuffing: Keyword stuffing is one of the most overused black hat SEO strategies that can get your site penalized by Google sooner or later. Even if you’re using descriptive keywords, it’s always better to avoid repeating the same primary keyword phrases over and over again. You can use your primary keyword in title, meta description, image alt tag, URL and that’s pretty much enough. If you want to optimize it well, you might want to come up with highly relevant LSI keywords around your primary keyword phrase so you can bring additional traffic from search engines (that too without keyword stuffing). 4. Know searcher’s intent: This is probably the most underrated keyword research tip. Before targeting any keyword, you must make sure to find and understand the target audience intent. What are they going to do?

Are they looking to buy something online? Are they just browsing online for information? Are they looking for any discounts? Are they searching for product reviews or alternatives?

Once you know your target audience intent, you can give the BEST content to them which converts really well. Read: 10 Point SEO Checklist for New Websites for Higher Search Rankings In 2023 5. Start finding commercial intent keywords: If you want to make money from your website, you must learn how to find commercial intent keywords. These keywords are also known as buyer keywords where people actually take out their wallets to purchase something online. Here are few buyer keywords examples.

price of XYZ headphones coupon ABC Cheap ABC Best deals on XYZ and so on

To put it simply, buyer keywords (also known as commercial intent keywords) are the phrases people use in search engines like Google when they are searching to buy a product or service online. 6. Use forums like Quora: When you go through a popular Q and A based platform like Quora, you’ll see a lot of questions that you can use keyword research. 7. Use your competitors sites to your advantage: Whatever niche you are in, you will have competition from a lot of people. You can actually use their sites to your advantage and most of the times your competitors’ websites might be more popular than yours, and some websites might be less popular. What you need to do to come up with new keywords for your blog is to start spying on both types of competitors – the more popular ones and the less popular ones. That way you will end up having a HUGE list of keyword ideas that you can use to increase your search traffic and also website sales. The first thing you should do is start looking for other websites in your industry using Google search and you can also use social media sites like Facebook, Twitter etc. Create an Excel sheet and enter the URLs of these websites so you can have them all at one place. Once you are done with it by listing a considerable number of competitors’ websites, you can begin your keyword research. 8. Update your top posts: One of the less known ways to get more search traffic to your website is to find and update your top 10 high performing blog posts. You can use Google analytics to find your top posts and do some quick keyword research to include those keywords within your posts to drive additional traffic from search. 9. It takes time: Last but not least, don’t expect quick results as getting traffic from search engines takes some time. Even if you’re using detailed keywords within your content, you still need some backlinks from quality sites, user engagement metrics like social shares, comments and so on to get top rankings on Google. So keep working hard and you’ll start seeing the real growth with every Google update. Read: Top 7 SEO Content Writing Techniques to Rank High In Google Search Here are some of the important questions around high performance keywords and using long-tail SEO strategy to increase your overall website’s search traffic.

  1. What is long-tail SEO? Long-tail SEO is the most powerful keyword research strategy you can use to get more organic traffic to your websites from search engines like Google. Usually, in long-tail SEO, you’ll be mostly using descriptive keywords (with 3 or more words). For example, “best fitness apps for teens” is a 5 word keyword phrase which is much easier to rank when compared to 2 word keyword phrase like “fitness apps”.
  2. What are short tail keywords? Short tail keywords are one or two word keywords. Here are few examples of short-tail keywords.

“iphone” is a one word short tail keyword “iphone reviews” is a 2 word short tail keyword

Quick note: Sometimes, even a 3 word keyword can be considered as a short tail keyword if it has too much search volume and competition. For example, “best credit cards” is a 3 word short tail keyword which is almost impossible to rank for (in top 10 search results) unless you’ve a ton of links pointing to the site (or page where you’re targeting the keyword). 3. What are the best long-tail keywords examples? A long-tail keyword usually contains 3 or more keywords. If you are looking to increase your website’s search traffic using descriptive keywords, we recommend you to go for 4 to 6 word keyword phrases and heare few of the best examples.

Best yoga mats for beginners Best fitness equipment for home Alternatives to Semrush SEO tool And the list goes on

  1. What are LSI keywords? LSI keywords (Latent Semantic Indexing) are keywords that are semantically related to your main keyword. For example, “best apple laptop” and “Macbook” are both LSI keywords. Yes because Macbooks are Apple laptops. Similarly, “who’s the American president” can also be an LSI keyword for “Donald Trump”. Read: Semrush Free Trial: Try Pro or Guru Account Free for 30 Days Worth Over $300
  2. Where to put your keywords for better rankings? That’s a good question. Finding better keywords is one thing and using them within your content is another thing. That said, once you’re done with keyword research, make sure to use keywords in the following places.

Title Meta description URL Subheading tags (H2, H3 and so on) Image alt tag Internal links And make sure to sprinkle some of the relevant keywords within your text (at the introduction, end of the article and so on)

  1. What are the best free long-tail keyword tools? Although there are a wide range of keyword research tools available like Semrush, Ahrefs, LongTailPro but if you’re looking for free tools, here’s a list of few best free keyword tools.

Ubersuggest LSI Graph InstaKeywords

Browse more Blogging Resources:

Why First 6 Months of Blogging is the Hardest? Top Blogging Tips And Tricks That Work Like A Charm Blog Commenting: Top Tips to Get Lots of Comments in 2023 How to Increase Your Website Search Traffic in 2023 Branded vs Non-Branded Keywords: Which are better?

Final thoughts on getting 30,000+ visitors per month

Building a blog or website that gets 30,000+ visitors a month seems like a daunting task in the beginning. But it’s NOT at all hard. If you practice and implement all the four steps mentioned in this guide, you will start getting the results really quickly. Just make sure to have access to the RIGHT SEO tools such as Semrush for finding profitable long-tail keywords. Although you can find keywords with free tools like Google’s keyword planner but it won’t give you better keyword ideas. Moreover, you will get the same keyword ideas that everyone else is using so even if you find less competitive keywords using Keyword Planner, it’s really hard to rank higher. So what are you waiting for? Are you already using Semrush for finding better ranking keywords? If not, click here to start your 30 days free trial with Semrush and let me know if you have any questions in the comments.