1 What is a Display Screen?2 Different types of Display Screens2.1 CRT2.2 LCD2.3 Plasma2.4 LED3 Helpful articles to fix your Display4 Connecting External Monitors to your Laptop

Different types of Display Screens


CRT (Cathode Ray Tube) screens operate with an intense, high-energy electron stream which is used to form images on a fluorescent screen. A cathode ray tube is basically a vacuum tube containing an electron gun on one end and a fluorescent screen on the other. Although CRT monitors are still found in some organizations, most have stopped using them because they are heavy, bulky, and expensive to replace.


The LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) screen is the most common screen found on computers, televisions, tablets, smartphones, digital cameras, etc. As the name suggests, it works using liquid crystals that are used as a polarizing filter for light. It is therefore a passive display system, which does not produce light, but which operates by backlighting (either by neon or by LEDs). Hence the brightness is limited which may prevent visibility in direct sunlight.


Plasma display screens use small cells of charged gas to create an image. These cells are similar to household fluorescent bulbs. Each plasma cell creates its own lighting, eliminating the need for a separate backlight and giving PDP monitors high contrast. Plasma is mainly found in TVs or other professional electronic display items. It has the advantage of being less limited in terms of size (up to 3m80 diagonal) and has a better contrast with a wide viewing angle (+ 160 °).


LED (Light Emitting Diodes) are flat screens or slightly curved displays that use light-emitting diodes for the backlight. LED monitors consume much less power than most other screens and are considered to be much more environmentally friendly. LED monitors produce images with a high contrast, have less negative impact on the environment when thrown away, are more durable than CRT or LCD monitors, and have a very slim design.

Helpful articles to fix your Display

How to Rotate Screen on Dell Laptop How to Fix PS5 Green Screen of Death Why Is My Roku TV Stuck on a Black Screen? How to Fix TCL Roku Green Screen How to Get Dell Monitor Out of Power Save Mode How Much Does a Laptop Screen Repair Cost? How to Make your Laptop Screen Brighter Than Max


Connecting External Monitors to your Laptop

Lots of users find that the size of their laptop screen limits their productivity. Luckily, it is easy to add an external monitor, giving your screen real-estate a boost. You can connect 3 monitors to your laptop, though this requires a docking station.