Telegram X offers an improved UI that includes new animation features. It also has pop-out video features included too. Telegram X has been developed well from the front end design. This application is designed keeping in mind the User Interfaces of the new forms of Android Apps. It’s quick when contrasted with the first Telegram. The approaches to begin and end a chat have been changed, and you can create groups easily. Up until this point, this messaging application has pulled in a lot of users. Most users have found what is best for them, and the developer keeps rolling out the improvements once in a while. The first Telegram is without a doubt among the most well-known messaging applications. It would seem that the company would not like to experiment with this app with the officially stable version of Telegram, so they came up with this one. If you are a Telegram client and you need to get new experience in the app, you can get the new Telegram X and enjoy the new design. Telegram X works well with smartphones and not PCs. If you wish to run it on your computer, you will need another compatible app. In this case, you will require an Android Emulator to install Telegram on the computer. In this guide, we will give an insight on how to download it and install Telegram X for Windows as well as Telegram X for Mac.

Telegram X Compatibility

After you install an Android emulator on your PC in our case BlueStacks, you can use this app. This App works best on Windows 7, 8, 8.1 as well as Windows 10. For the Mac PC, it is compatible with the Mac X version.

Guide to Download Telegram X for PC

These steps will enable you to download Telegram X on your computer with ease. Keep in mind, that the steps are for both Windows and Mac. 1 – Download BlueStacks on your computer and install it. 2 – Once you have installed, open BlueStacks and configure it. 3 – You will have to sign up or sign in with the Gmail account before you can access and download the app from the Google Play Store.

4 – Next, click on My Apps. 5 – Click on the System search engine. Inside it, type and search the app via the Google Play Store. 6 – Once in the Play Store, look for Telegram X. 7 – Download the app just as you do it mostly on your phone or tablet. 8 – After installation, the icon will appear in the My Apps segment, and an alternate shortcut will be on the home page. You would now be able to enjoy Telegram X on the computer.

  1. What is the Telegram X app? Developed by Telegram LLC, this is a messaging app that runs smoothly on a personal computer and Android device. One feature that makes this app stand out from the rest is its resolute encryption. This makes it more useful for people who need more security in their communications.
  2. What are some of the features of the Telegram X app? This app is packed with several incredible features that can fascinate you. To start with, you will be able to set reminders and schedule messages the way you please. You will be able to send different files on this platform and also save images and videos to your device’s gallery. This app also allows you to synchronize your chats. Since it comes with an improved user interface, you can trust that you will have an easy time using it.
  3. How do I download the Telegram X app for PC? For you to download this app on your PC, you should consider downloading an Android emulator first on your computer. Here, you can consider using the Nox app player. Therefore, you should first download and install the Nox app player on your computer. Once you launch the Nox app player, you will see the Google Play Store on the Homescreen of this emulator. Log in your Google details and then search for the Telegram X app. Finally, you can download and install this app on the Nox App Player emulator and start using it on your computer.
  4. Can download the Telegram X app for free? Yes. This app can freely be download on the Google Play Store. All you need to have is an Android emulator if you want to have this app on your computer. Otherwise, it is free to download both Android devices and PC.
  5. Is Telegram X safe to use? Yes. This app has been tested and has been found to be free of malware and viruses that can harm your device. It is, therefore, free and safe to download. Similar App: WhatsApp Business App for Windows and Mac More Posts - Website Follow Me: